Written by Klaus Schgaguler
Wednesday, 16 May 2012 16:30 |
EOC Qualification races are over and i qualified for just 1 A-Final. After a middle distance qualification with 2 bigger mistakes and a long distance with a lot of small ones, the sprint qualification today was finally good enough to make it to the final on Saturday.
Sprint Qualification:

Long Qualification:

Middle Qualification:

p.s. added some eoc pictures to my gallery |
Written by Klaus Schgaguler
Friday, 11 May 2012 22:09 |
After 10mila i stayed in Stockholm for some days and some trainings with my culb mates of IFK Lidingö. On Wednesday i run the Stockholm district campionships in sprint. It was quite some time i have not been running a sprint like this so i was a little slow in doing decisions. But for the rest a quite good race.
Sprint DM
Then it was time to go to Dalarna and prepare for EOC. We arrived at Vikarbyn yesterday afternoon and it was raining since then. I like the swedish spring!
We did 2 trainings today and the terrain was just soooo nice. Looking foreward to the next days.
Training Myran
Training Vika
P.S. i updated the 10mila article with a short summary of my race.
Written by Klaus Schgaguler
Sunday, 06 May 2012 18:30 |

9th leg on 10mila 2012 for me. I felt well prepared for this job and also the final training on Saturday gave me a very positive feedback.
The best moment of the 10mila night for me is to wake up some hours before my start, when the relay is already in progress, search for the first computer and check the results. Everything can happen.
Actually I was not surprised when read that the boys where in the leading pack during 4th and 5th leg. Still it is a great feeling in that moment, the tiredness disappears and the night becomes day all of a sudden. Game is on!
What about my race? Öystain did a great job on 8th leg running away from the pack, and sent me out all alone. I could run my own speed and took it a little easy in the beginning in order to get the right flow. No problems at the first controls. On the short leg to control 5 I had the feeling the compass pointed me the wrong direction and got stressed. I decided to take the right route to nr 7 in order to change the compass while running on the road. So just focus and start over again. I really enjoyed the orienteering on the next couple of controls and had a good flow again. What a nice forest down there. Tried to take easy routes and push hard in the final part. I never met any other runner from my leg until I run up the last hill to the pre warning. IFK Göteborg was coming close. I thought: you are not going to catch me and pushed even harder until the changeover.
In summary I had a very clean race with no mistakes, maybe missing a little speed in the beginning.
Cool to run in this team. Thanks to everyone making this a day to remember.
Written by Klaus Schgaguler
Tuesday, 23 August 2011 10:00 |
WOC 2011 in France is over. I will for sure remember it. Maybe not for my performance in the individual competitions. Huge mistakes in long distance qualification and middle distance final: not exactly what I expected. But the day of the relay was a very special one for us, even if in history it will just be a “Disqualified” for Italy. It was great to be able to run in the leading pack for a long time in a WOC relay. Looking forward to the next possibility to do so!
Thanks to all the supporters cheering for us during the entire week. It felt almost like a home championship! |
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